Hi guys, welcome back *inserts long emotional post about how much y’all are the best and how much love was shown to the first part*
So we delve right into it, we left off where it turned out to be a huge mistake, right?
In our church, we have a Marriage Committee (MC) whose role is self-explanatory already and the process is to legit inform them before you ever have to make your intentions (to marry to date) known to your partner. The implication of telling her my intentions is of course to go on a 3-month suspension. This specifically entails that you both would be barred from any form of communication with each other, seeing it as a treasonable felony offence. Yes, it’s that bad.
After answering positively to the question of “Have you made your intentions known to the sister?”, we were given our marching orders – proceed on a 3-month hiatus. Before you think how absurd it is for us to subject ourselves to that, understand that we both were fully aware of what we were getting into with them and we sort of made peace with whatever, also, we were not forced.
Now for us who talk and see every chance we get, it was about to be the most traumatic experience. Teary eyed, she asked “Babe, are we really going to do this?” I nodded.
The final day right before we started, we drove to some quiet place and sat in silence for the entire evening. In no time, I could hear her sobbing and sniffing, needless to say it was the most distressing situation I’ve been in in forever. The sadder part was my helplessness – I hate to think about it.
Her primary fear was that we might not survive the hiatus, that we’d grow apart in no time. Beyond giving my best assurances via Twitter and song IG songs, I also got some of my friends call her often and ask how she’s faring, if she needs anything and whatnot.
Prior to the day, I’d searched and armed myself with 3 songs that would help her go through this phase, all laden with the best lines of romantic promises on commitment regardless and an extra handkerchief for the tears, it certainly came in handy.
We had a commitment to keep a journal with daily entries like we were talking to each other.
The drive home to drop her was quiet and she just wouldn’t let go of my right hand. I squeezed her hand reassuringly all through and she cried harder, while all 3 songs played on loop repeat. After long breaths and more sobs, she dropped off and then started our dreaded hiatus.
Here are some screens from her journal:

Eventually, we met at Fisayo’s wedding and we spoke! I’d seen her attending to the bride and all that, so I texted her about how gorgeous she looked in her dress.
That was the first text she was getting from me in 21 days! You needed to have seen her blush as she read it, it was the purest I’ve seen and it is forever sealed in my memory.
I was lurking somewhere looking at her, she read it and started scanning the hall for me. We eventually met up and it wasn’t exactly awkward, at least not like the; “you’re already talking” debut.
Dreams certainly come true though. For her, she’s said she’d always wanted to marry a leftie long before we even met at all. It might be interesting to note that shortly after we started talking, exactly on the date 14/07/2013 I tweeted a picture of her and captioned it “cupid”, now on the 14/08/2021, exactly 8 years and a month, we now have a real life cupid.

Really, it is written in the stars or whatever the cool kids say.
It’s my wedding eve and sincerely I feel like screaming and telling everyone that cares to listen that dreams certainly come true and in the grandest of ways too…
That God’s best will never elude you if you ask Him to simply order your steps.
That before He does, you have to grow through the waiting period, hard as it may.
That when He does lead you, you’re willing to be patient and trust His direction and timing.
Also that when you get God’s best, you’ve earned the responsibility of making her better per time.
That you have to lose yourself to her service and commit your life to the duty of helping her grow.
And that it’s really not easy, but with God walking you through it – one day at a time, it’s definitely worth it.
Somebody get me a podium and an audience please?
Hey Baby…
It’s been quite a ride and it’s just about to get better. For you, I would do this over and over and over and over and over again. Thank you for trusting me with your goals, dreams and aspirations. Thank you for appointing me your biggest cheerleader and your chief servant.
Also, thank you for keeping the faith. By God’s special grace, I’ll do everything possible to make it the most fulfilling decision you’ll ever make.
Tomorrow we seal the deal, forever we live the dream. I love you, my Best Girl, forever and for always.
To ad infinitum.
Akerele Oluranti
3:47am, 13/08/2021
T: @Super_Akerele
IG: @superakerele
This is definitely beautiful, reading your story gives a grander view and understanding of the love and friendship you both share, it is pure and it is from God. I admire you both a lot and I pray that God will continue to bless your home and grant you your heart desires.